Wednesday, October 22, 2008


First of all my title has little to no relevance to what I'm about to write, I just thought it was hilarious, and the first time I laughed out loud to a film article, no offense intended.

This was a great article because it took me through so many different opinions that I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to believe myself. During the first page or so I was thinking, "This is bullshit, I'm not a film geek, I don't do this art-cinema crap, There's no money in it." Then I realized that Rebecca was talking about the very thing that pisses me off about filmmaking. Great content gets overlooked and not talked about anymore these days. This random vomited collection of movies contaminates the film market and appeals to all the stupid people while all of us sit and squirm and wish we could do something about it.

'The spirit of the art house' combined with money making possibility is what I'm looking for in film. There Will Be Blood I feel is a perfect example and gives hope to us all. Beautiful work that somehow gets noticed even by simpletons and earns some real dough is what I want out of a film-oriented life. You may call me a dreamer, but I want art, content, skill, notoriety AND bucks to fly the hell out of films I work on (everywhere).

I want microcinemas to expand to gigantocinemas while still containing the same community and respectful aspects of small-town arthouse theatres. And then I woke up...

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