Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Light Blog (number 7 for takeoff)

A crude ambiance of manmade fluorescents flood the inside cabin of the outdated 737 from above the overhead bins. Various soft reading lights are overpowered by the hard, white light as the plane taxis down to the takeoff runway. The overheads finally go off and half of the plane is covered in deep shadow, half bathed in scattered, warm, yellow midafternoon light. This light spills through the cabin windows, half of which are closed because Phoenix, AZ is 96 degrees at the time. A few fellow window seaters open their shades and pockets of shadow are dispersed by the welcoming soft orange light. As the plane turns on the runway, narrow bands of dancing sunlight travel across the seat in front of me from my window to the other side of the plane. Flashes of harsh reflected light off other airplanes and airport windows cause me to squint as they strobe through my window. *Ding* The orange and red LED Fasten Seatbelt lights all throughout the cabin flicker momentarily as we ready for takeoff...

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